organized crime reader

I started reading about organized crime in 8th grade. When a teacher suggested i read the book the Godfather.Been hooked ever since. But only read true stories mostly.I'm in my late 30s now.

Currently reading

Where the Bodies Were Buried: Whitey Bulger and the World That Made Him by T.J. English
Display of Power: How FUBU Changed a World of Fashion, Branding and Lifestyle by Daymond John
Shadow of My Father by John A. Gotti, Peter Lance
Progress: 62%
The Buy Side: A Wall Street Trader's Tale of Spectacular Excess by Turney Duff
Gangsters and Organized Crime in Buffalo: History, Hits and Headquarters by Michael F. Rizzo
Titanic Thompson: The Man Who Bet on Everything by Kevin Cook
Hitman: The Untold Story of Johnny Martorano: Whitey Bulger's Enforcer and the Most Feared Gangster in the Underworld by Howie Carr
Citizen Somerville: Growing up with the Winter Hill Gang by Elayne Keratsis, Bobby Martini
Mob Killer: The Bloody Rampage of Charles Carneglia, Mafia Hit Man by Anthony DeStefano
The Last Testament of Bill Bonanno: The Final Secrets of a Life in the Mafia by Gary B. Abromovitz, Bill Bonanno